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Thermal mass flowmeter - Proline t-mass T 150

Proline t-mass T 150
thermal mass flowmeter

The flowmeter for reliable and easy monitoring of liquids

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Lastnosti na dlani

  • Max. measurement error

    Flow: ±5 % o.f.s.

  • Measuring range

    226 to 14 100 000 l/h (60 to 3 730 000 gal/h)
    (under reference conditions)

  • Medium temperature range

    –20 to +100 °C (–4 to +212 °F)

  • Max. process pressure

    PN 40

  • Wetted materials

    Transducer: 1.4404 (316/316L); Alloy C22, 2.4602 (UNS N06022)
    Insertion tube: 1.4404 (316/316L); Alloy C22, 2.4602 (UNS N06022)
    ‐ Compression fitting: 1.4404 (316L); Alloy C22, 2.4602 (UNS N06022)
    ‐ Threadolet: 1.4404 (316L); Alloy C22, 2.4602 (UNS N06022)
    ‐ Clamping ferrule: PEEK 450G; 1.4404 (316L); Alloy C22, 2.4602 (UNS N06022)
    ‐ Tri‐Clamp; DN40 DIN 11851, DN50 DIN 11851; DN40 DIN 11864‐1A, DN50 DIN 11864‐1A: 1.4404 (316L)

Področje uporabe

The t-mass T 150 is the first thermal mass device from Endress+Hauser for measuring liquids. t-mass T 150 is designed chiefly for water applications. As it measures independently of the electrical conductivity of a fluid and can be used in a variety of water-based and non-water-based liquids for the purpose of monitoring and trending. Customer-specific settings are saved on the display and can be transferred from one device to another by means of the display.

  • Measuring principle is characterized by a high operable flow range and direct mass flow measurement

  • Dedicated to the monitoring of conductive and non-conductive liquids.

Device properties

  • Insertion version for nominal diameter DN 40 to 1000 (1 1/2 to 40")

  • Sensor in standard or hygienic version

  • SIP cleaning possible up to 130 °C (266 °F)

  • Device in compact version with DC 24 V power supply

  • 4-20 mA HART, pulse/frequency/switch output

  • Compact and robust transmitter


  • Dedicated to the monitoring of conductive and non-conductive liquids

  • High process safety – high repeatability and linearity due to integrated temperature compensation

  • Cost-effective measurement – easy installation, negligible pressure loss and maintenance-free

  • Reliable flow trending – multivariable measurement

  • Fast and efficient commissioning – guided operating menus

  • High plant availability – self-diagnostics and error monitoring

  • Automatic recovery of data for servicing



  • Enostavni produkti

  • Lahka izbira, vgradnja in uporaba

Tehnična odličnost


  • Standardni produkti

  • Zanesljivi, robustni, nezahtevni za vzdrževanje

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  • Vrhunski produkti

  • Visoko funkcionalni in praktični

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  • Specialni produkti

  • Zasnovani za posebej zahtevne aplikacije

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