Znanje in instrumenti za merilne naloge v najzahtevnejših okoljih
Smo zanesljiv partner za najzahtevnejše merilne naloge. Poglobljeno aplikacijsko znanje, obsežne izkušnje in globalna prisotnost so tisto, po čemer se razlikujemo od konkurence. Naš nabor merilnih instrumentov, rešitev in storitev je prilagojen merilnim principom in zahtevam vaše panoge. To nam omogoča, da vas pri vaših merilnih izzivih optimalno podpremo. Vaš uspeh je naš cilj.
Food & Beverage: Trust in quality
Food & Beverage: Trust in quality
Your partner to meet food safety standards, ensure consistent product quality, improve production capacity and drive sustainability initiatives even with limited budgets.
Water & Wastewater: Protect – Conserve – Enhance
Water & Wastewater: Protect – Conserve – Enhance
Endress+Hauser is dedicated to helping you meet your operating targets throughout the water cycle by combining an innovative portfolio of measuring instruments, expert services and industry expertise.
Oil & Gas: Fueling energy transition to net zero
Oil & Gas: Fueling energy transition to net zero
With our broad portfolio of instrumentation, solutions and services we empower customers on the pathway to net zero: from process efficiency and safety to sustainability and regulatory compliance.
Life Sciences: Innovative technology for process excellence
Life Sciences: Innovative technology for process excellence
Partner with us to accelerate your journey from bench-top to production, minimizing risk at every step
Chemical: Partnering for sustainable success
Chemical: Partnering for sustainable success
Optimize your resources and maximize your plant performance. Learn more!
Power & Energy: Power up your plant
Power & Energy: Power up your plant
You provide the world with energy - we provide you with application know-how for your power plant including: steam (coal, gas and oil), combined cycle gas turbine, waste-to-energy, hydro and nuclear.
Podporni procesi: Upravljanje pare in industrijske vode
Podporni procesi: Upravljanje pare in industrijske vode
Upravljajte podporne procese učinkoviteje, varneje in zanesljiveje. Naj vam Endress+Hauser pomaga pri izboljšavah parnih energetskih sistemov in sistemov za pripravo industrijske vode. Seznanite se z našo ponudbo.
Mining, Minerals & Metals: Extracting a sustainable future
Mining, Minerals & Metals: Extracting a sustainable future
Drive efficiency while achieving your ESG goals. Our products and expertise enhance processing, production, storage and distribution of natural resources and raw materials for a sustainable future.
Phyox has built a trend-setting production plant for microalgae. As a partner with know-how, Endress+Hauser supplied not only the process instrumentation, but also the automation technology.
Remat Chemie has specialized on recycling fluids. The complex procedures implemented in their new plant are running smoothly – thanks to Endress+Hauser’s industry competence.
Hacker-Pschorr has installed a world premiere in the new Bräurosl tent: the first vacuum-insulated piping (VIP) for central beer supply installed directly in the tent and Endress+Hauser is on board.
Uporabljamo piškotke, da bi lahko izboljšali vašo izkušnjo med brskanjem, zbirali statistične podatke za izboljšanje delovanja spletnega mesta in zagotavljali prilagojene oglase ali vsebine.
Z izbiro "Sprejmi vse" se strinjate z našo uporabo piškotkov.
Za podrobnosti si oglejte naš Pravilnik o piškotkih .