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Product picture Temperature field transmitter iTEMP TMT142B with HART® and Bluetooth® communication

iTEMP TMT142B temperature transmitter

HART® temperature field transmitter with one universal sensor input suitable for use in hazardous areas and with Bluetooth® communication

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  • Accuracy

    (Pt100, -50...200 °C) <=0,1 K
    (Pt100, -58...392 °F) <=0,18 °F

Področje uporabe

The single-channel iTEMP TMT142B transmitter with backlit display delivers highly reliable, accurate and long-term stable measurements in critical processes and hazardous areas.
It offers secure remote operation via its integrated Bluetooth® interface (Endress+Hauser SmartBlue app), packaged in a robust single-chamber field housing. It converts inputs from resistance sensors (RTD), thermocouple (TC), resistances (Ω) and voltage transmitters (mV) to a 4 to 20 mA signal and HART® 7 communication.

  • Temperature transmitter with secure Bluetooth® and HART® 7 communication

  • Backlit display for clear process and diagnostic information in the field

  • Universal input for resistance sensors (RTD), thermocouples, resistances (Ω) and voltage transmitters (mV)

  • Reliability, long-term stability and high precision for safe operations in critical processes

  • Robust aluminum or stainless steel housings for use in hazardous areas and harsh process conditions


  • Certified for use in hazardous areas:

    CSA (IS, NI, XP and DIP), ATEX, INMETRO, NEPSI (Ex ia, Ex d, dust ignition-proof)

  • Reliable, long-term stable and accurate temperature measurement even under harsh environmental conditions thanks to a pressure-encapsulated single-chamber housing and integrated overvoltage protection

  • Bluetooth® interface: Save time and effort on commissioning, configuration and maintenance using the Endress+Hauser SmartBlue app

  • Predictive maintenance with advanced diagnostic functions and condensed status notification according to NAMUR NE 107

  • Newly developed backlit display with large digits for clear process information under all ambient conditions


Segment Lean

  • Standardni produkti

  • Zanesljivi, robustni, nezahtevni za vzdrževanje

Tehnična odličnost


FLEX: Lean ©Endress+Hauser
  • Enostavni produkti

  • Lahka izbira, vgradnja in uporaba

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  • Standardni produkti

  • Zanesljivi, robustni, nezahtevni za vzdrževanje

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  • Vrhunski produkti

  • Visoko funkcionalni in praktični

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  • Specialni produkti

  • Zasnovani za posebej zahtevne aplikacije

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Segment Lean

Obvladajte ključne procese na preprost način

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Segment Extended

Optimirajte procese z inovativnimi tehnologijami

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Segment Xpert

Imejte pod nadzorom najzahtevnejše aplikacije

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