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iTHERM TrustSens self-calibrating sanitary RTD sensor

Award-winning RTD sensor technology helps reduce risk, improve process safety in critical hygienic applications

Endress+Hauser has developed the world's first self-calibrating temperature sensor technology specifically designed for hygienic applications that require strict compliance to FDA and GMP regulations. The sensor unit combines a standard Pt100 RTD with a highly accurate fixed-point reference element that makes use of the Curie temperature effect to generate a reliable calibration signal. The award-winning technology helps to minimize risk and measurement uncertainties in critical processes.

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iTHERM TrustSens sensor illustration with integrated reference element ©Endress+Hauser
iTHERM TrustSens temperature sensor ©Endress+Hauser


  • Reliable, precise and accurate:

    Repeatability and traceability of the measurement chain

    Integrated physical reference side-by-side with Pt100 RTD sensor

    Sensor-transmitter matching for highest measurement accuracy

  • Seamless system integration:

    4 to 20 mA output and HART® protocol, optional Bluetooth® and WirelessHART® (requires FieldPort SWA50)

    Calibration monitoring with Memograph M RSG45 data manager
    available as product bundle

    Siemens SIMATIC ET 200SP system integration

  • Certified by independent institutions:

    TÜV, Technical University Ilmenau

  • Factory calibration certificate

    Curie-point certificate for the integrated fixed-point reference

  • Low invasiveness:

    Miniaturized self-calibrating sensor element (3 mm insert, 6 mm thermowell) in a compact hygienic device

In conjunction with the integrated HART® transmitter and Heartbeat Technology features, the iTHERM TM371 and TM372 represent the world’s first RTD sensor unit capable of fully automated in-situ self-calibration. The patented innovation has been extensively tested and verified in lab and field trials. The results have been found to exceed expectations in terms of measurement accuracy and stability, as customers around the world are transitioning to the new technology.

  • Enostavni produkti

  • Lahka izbira, vgradnja in uporaba

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  • Standardni produkti

  • Zanesljivi, robustni, nezahtevni za vzdrževanje

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  • Vrhunski produkti

  • Visoko funkcionalni in praktični

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  • Specialni produkti

  • Zasnovani za posebej zahtevne aplikacije

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Segment Extended

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