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Memosens CLS16E - Digital, contacting conductivity sensor with certified hygienic design

Digital conductivity sensor
Memosens CLS16E

Memosens 2.0 contacting conductivity sensor for hygienic applications in life sciences and food

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  • Measuring range

    k=0,1: 0,04 to 500 µS/cm

  • Process temperature

    -5 to 120 °C (23 to 248 °F)
    For Sterilizsation: max. 150 °C at 5 bar
    (Max. 302 °F at 73 psi)

  • Process pressure

    13 bar at 20 °C (188 psi at 68 °F)
    9 bar at 120 °C (130 psi at 248 °F)

Področje uporabe

Memosens CLS16E is a high-end conductivity sensor with certified hygienic design conforming to FDA and USP Class VI. It measures with highest precision delivering reliable data for optimum process and product quality. The sensor is robust and offers a long operating life thanks to its replaceable seal. With Memosens 2.0 technology, CLS16E is able to store more calibration and process data, facilitating predictive maintenance and providing the perfect basis for IIoT services.

Memosens CLS16E measures conductivity in pure and ultrapure water applications for the monitoring and control of:

  • Water for injection (WFI)

  • Electro-deionizing

  • Ion exchangers

  • Reverse osmosis

  • Distillation

With its international explosion protection approvals, such as ATEX, FM, CSA and NEPSI, the digital sensor is suitable for hazardous area use.


  • Certified with quality certificate and EN 10204 3.1 and complying with EHEDG, USP Class VI, ASME and FDA, Memosens CLS16E is perfectly suited for hygienic applications in the life sciences and food industries.

  • The sensor is sterilizable and autoclavable, resists cleaning in place (CIP) and sterilization in place (SIP).

  • Stainless steel ensures robust, corrosion-free operation and the replaceable seal enables a long operating life.

  • Highest precision and measuring accuracy even at high temperatures and under pressure provide you with reliable data for optimum process and product quality.

  • Non-contact, inductive signal transmission ensures high process integrity.

  • IIoT ready: Memosens 2.0 offers extended storage of calibration and process data, enabling better trend identification and providing a future-proof basis for predictive maintenance and enhanced IIoT services.


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