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Micropilot FMR30B - product picture

Micropilot FMR30B - radar sensor for basic applications

Simple and efficient level measurement in liquids and solids

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Lastnosti na dlani

  • Accuracy

    +/- 2mm (0.08")

  • Process temperature


  • Process pressure / max. overpressure limit

    -1…3 bar
    (-14,5…43 psi)

  • Max. measurement distance

    30m (98.4 ft)

  • Main wetted parts


Področje uporabe

The Micropilot FMR30B is made for continuous non-contact level measurement equipped with 80 GHz-technology. The installation and commissioning of the device is fast and easy due to its simple design and guiding wizards. Remote access via Bluetooth or on-site access via the color touch display ensures easy operation. With on-demand process verification and device diagnostics, thanks to Heartbeat Technology, downtime can be reduced. The compact device is ideal for narrow installation conditions.

The Micropilot FMR30B is a free space radar device with a measuring range of up to 30m (98ft) for level measurement in liquids and solids. It is suitable for utility applications across all industries and the perfect match for applications in Water & Wastewater as well as for basic applications in Mining, Minerals & Metals and Food & Beverage industry:

  • Open baisins

  • River monitoring

  • Sewer management

  • Pump station / lift station

  • Open channel flow

  • IBC and storage tanks

  • Silos

  • Stockpiles

  • Pneumatic conveying


  • Fast commissioning and operation thanks to guided setup sequences (wizards)

  • Bluetooth connectivity enables easy, reliable and encrypted wireless remote access

  • Comfortable on-site access via color touch display

  • Device identification during Bluetooth connection thanks to “It’s me-function” (flashing display)

  • Simple device selection thanks to clear segmentation and easy configuration

  • Heartbeat Technology allows on-demand verification and diagnostics guided through the wizard without process interruption


Segment Lean

  • Standardni produkti

  • Zanesljivi, robustni, nezahtevni za vzdrževanje

Tehnična odličnost


FLEX: Lean ©Endress+Hauser
  • Enostavni produkti

  • Lahka izbira, vgradnja in uporaba

Tehnična odličnost


  • Standardni produkti

  • Zanesljivi, robustni, nezahtevni za vzdrževanje

Tehnična odličnost


  • Vrhunski produkti

  • Visoko funkcionalni in praktični

Tehnična odličnost


  • Specialni produkti

  • Zasnovani za posebej zahtevne aplikacije

Tehnična odličnost



FLEX izbira Tehnična odličnost Preprostost
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Fundamental

Zadostite svojim osnovnim merilnim potrebam

Tehnična odličnost
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Lean

Obvladajte ključne procese na preprost način

Tehnična odličnost
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Extended

Optimirajte procese z inovativnimi tehnologijami

Tehnična odličnost
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Xpert

Imejte pod nadzorom najzahtevnejše aplikacije

Tehnična odličnost


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