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iTHERM TMS21 MultiSens Multipoint

iTHERM MultiSens Slim TMS21
Multipoint thermometer

Low invasive bendable TC temperature profiling solution for petrochemical and chemical applications

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Price on request

Lastnosti na dlani

  • Accuracy

    class 2 acc. to IEC 60584
    ASTM E230 and ANSI MC 96.1

  • Response time

    t50 = 3 s
    t90 = 9 s

  • Max. process pressure (static)

    at 20 °C: 90 bar (1305 psi)

  • Operating temperature range

    Type K:
    max. 920 °C
    (max. 1.688 °F)
    Type J:
    max. 440 °C
    (max. 824 °F)
    Type N:
    max. 920 °C
    (max. 1.688 °F)
    Type E:
    max. 510 °C
    (max. 950 °F)

  • Max. immersion length on request

    up to 13.000,00 mm (511,81'')

Področje uporabe

Specially designed for applications where small size of the probe and light weight are crucial. The TMS21 can be highly customized due to its versatility. It can monitor the temperature on a very high number of points along a line just by using one process connection. It is composed of several low diameters thermocouples protected by one overall primary tube thermowell. Two different product configurations are available, with or without flexible upper thermowell-hose (for axial centering).

  • Light Chemical processes


  • High number of measuring points in a small diameter

  • Low invasiveness temperature profiling probe

  • Easy mounting and cabling


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  • Specialni produkti

  • Zasnovani za posebej zahtevne aplikacije

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Xpert: Obvladovanje najbolj zahtevnih aplikacij ©Endress+Hauser
  • Enostavni produkti

  • Lahka izbira, vgradnja in uporaba

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  • Zanesljivi, robustni, nezahtevni za vzdrževanje

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  • Visoko funkcionalni in praktični

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  • Specialni produkti

  • Zasnovani za posebej zahtevne aplikacije

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