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Edge Device FieldEdge SGC500

FieldEdge SGC500

Industrial edge device for connecting field devices to the Netilion cloud platform

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Za vsa dodatna vprašanja se obrnite na svojega prodajnega partnerja Endress+Hauser.

Področje uporabe

The FieldEdge SGC500 enables the connection of field devices in an industrial plant to the Netilion cloud platform. Data transmission is via the Internet connection in the plant. The information required for Netilion Services is regularly read out of the field devices and saved to the Netilion cloud platform.
You can use the transmitted data via the following offers: Netlion Services or Netilion Connect.

The FieldEdge SGC500 enables the connection of field devices in an industrial plant to the Netilion cloud platform and can be ordered directly through two methods:

  • 1. Connectivity addon: Lease the FieldEdge SGC500 as a connectivity addon “FieldEdge SGC500” for Netilion. Contact us to learn more.

  • 2. Purchase option: Buy the FieldEdge SGC500 device. Note that purchasing the device requires an additional booking of the "FieldEdge Uplink" connectivity addon for Netilion.


  • Connects field devices to the Netilion cloud platform.

  • Secure data transfer via encrypted https communication.

  • Transmission of device parameters from connected Endress+Hauser and third-party field devices.

  • Easy installation and commissioning.

  • No integration into customer automation system necessary.

  • Connectivity for remote Heartbeat Verification

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