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Turbimax CUS51D is a smart suspended solids sensor for unattended operation in water and wastewater.

Suspended solids sensor
Turbimax CUS51D

Memosens sensor for suspended solids and turbidity measurement in water, wastewater and utilities

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  • Measuring range

    For formazin: 0 to 4000 FNU
    Display range up to 9999 FNU
    For sludge: 0 to 300 g/L
    The achievable measuring range depends very much on the media

  • Process temperature

    Process temperature:
    -5 to 50 °C (23 to 122 °F)
    Ambient temperature:
    -20 to 60 °C (-4 to 140 °F)

Področje uporabe

Turbimax CUS51D is a smart sensor that allows unattended operation in a wide range of process conditions. Its unique design is extremely robust and it is also low-maintenance thanks to its self-cleaning functionality. Choose from different integrated analytical models to adapt the sensor to your specific application. With Memosens digital technology, the CUS51D combines maximum process and data integrity with simple operation. It resists corrosion and moisture and enables lab calibration.

Turbimax CUS51D measures suspended solids and turbidity in:

  • Wastewater treatment plants:
    - Solids content measurement in aeration, recirculation and sludge treatment
    - Flocculent dosing
    - Turbidity measurement in the outlet

  • Drinking and process water:
    - Solids content measurement in sludge treatment
    - Flocculent dosing

  • Utilities of all industries:
    - Solids content measurement in aeration, recirculation and sludge treatment
    - Flocculent dosing


  • One sensor for all applications: The 'one for all' principle optimizes stockholding, speeds up project handling and simplifies life cycle management.

  • Optimum adaption to all measuring tasks:
    Sensor fits all measuring ranges thanks to numerous integrated analytical models.

  • Fast and easy commissioning: Sensor comes precalibrated and preconfigured ex factory.

  • Enables unattended plant operation: Intelligent design enables sophisticated self-cleaning capabilities and minimizes maintenance.

  • Perfect process adaption: Fast sensor positioning with holder and assembly system Flexdip CYA112 and CYH112.


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