Portfolio and expertise strengthened
Endress+Hauser exclusively markets SICK’s gas analysis and flow measurement technology worldwide
Preberi celotno zgodbo
Izboljšajte svoje procese z novimi inovativnimi rešitvami
Enostavni produkti
Lahka izbira, vgradnja in uporaba
Tehnična odličnost
Standardni produkti
Zanesljivi, robustni, nezahtevni za vzdrževanje
Tehnična odličnost
Vrhunski produkti
Visoko funkcionalni in praktični
Tehnična odličnost
Specialni produkti
Zasnovani za posebej zahtevne aplikacije
Tehnična odličnost
FLEX izbira
Tehnična odličnost
Segment Fundamental
Zadostite svojim osnovnim merilnim potrebam
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Segment Lean
Obvladajte ključne procese na preprost način
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Segment Extended
Optimirajte procese z inovativnimi tehnologijami
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Segment Xpert
Imejte pod nadzorom najzahtevnejše aplikacije
Tehnična odličnost
Check out our latest industry launches and innovations for food & beverage!
Check out our latest industry launches and innovations for water & wastewater!
Check out our latest industry launches and innovations for Oil & Gas.
Check out our latest industry launches and innovations for Life Sciences!
Check out our latest industry launches and innovations for the Chemical industry!
Check out our latest industry launches and innovations for Power & Energy.
Check out our latest industry launches and innovations for Mining, Minerals & Metals!
Tehnološki poudarki
Process safety
Reliable measurement of critical process parameters sets the basis for safe processes. In order to make your processes safe, for us, in all that we develop and produce, safety comes first.
My Endress+Hauser
Ustvari račun My Endress+Hauser
My Endress+Hauser unites a variety of useful features into one customer portal to make your work easier, faster and more convenient. Discover it now!
Get the support you need, fast!
Everything you need for support cases with Endress+Hauser
Product finder
Our product finder helps you to search for suitable measuring devices, software or system components via product characteristics.
Product selection via application parameters
An individual product selection via application parameters.
Novice in sporočila za medije
Z vsega sveta
Dogodki in usposabljanje
Annual media conference 2025
10:30 - 12:00 CEST
Na spletu
Endress+Hauser presents the results of the financial year 2024
Certified Basic Modbus Technology
08:30 - 17:00 CEST
You will learn how Modbus technology works in detail. From the different physical layer RS485 and Ethernet up to the details of the Modbus protocol.
Ultrasonic Innovations
Na spletu
Ultrasonic Innovations: How Next-Gen Prosonic Flow is Transforming Measurement
Iskalnik dogodkov in šolanj
Bi se radi udeležili našega dogodka? Izberite ustreznega glede na želeno kategorijo ali panogo.
Cenimo vašo zasebnost
Uporabljamo piškotke, da bi lahko izboljšali vašo izkušnjo med brskanjem, zbirali statistične podatke za izboljšanje delovanja spletnega mesta in zagotavljali prilagojene oglase ali vsebine.
Z izbiro "Sprejmi vse" se strinjate z našo uporabo piškotkov.
Za podrobnosti si oglejte naš Pravilnik o piškotkih .
Sprejmi samo bistveno
Sprejmi vse